
Ticket Guide – from Vienna to Baden

If you want to travel to Vienna from Baden by train you can choose between single- and dayticket. The single ticket costs EUR 6,30 and the dayticket which allows stops and switches costs EUR 13,40.

Your ticket

Single tickets and day tickets are the right choice if you only travel on public transport from time to time. However, if you travel by train or bus regularly, season tickets such as weekly, monthly or annual tickets are a suitable alternative.

Fares & Prices

The fare depends on where you start and finish your journey. Just choose your desired destinations at the ticket machine or at the online fare finder.

Discounts are available for groups of six persons or more, for children between 6 and 15 years and for owners of the ÖBB VORTEILSCARD. Just choose the appropriate selection at the ticket machine. A special local fare applies to the Badener city bus. Tickets may be purchased directly from the bus driver. 

Purchasing tickets

  • Online ticket shop or easymobil app: Whether you are at home or on the go, this option offers a quick and easy means of buying tickets. You can display it on your mobile phone. The online ticket shop can be accessed at
  • Ticket desks: You can obtain all tickets from the ticket desks at Wien Oper and Baden Josefsplatz. The employees there will be happy to answer any questions you have about tickets, reductions or timetabels.
  • Ticket machines at the stops: You can use ticket machines to get your ticket quickly and conveniently. Payment can be made in cash, by debit or credit card.
  • Ticket machines on board the train If you are in a particular hurry or decide to travel on the Badner Bahn on the spur of the moment, you can also buy your ticket on board. Please note that tickets may only be paid for in cash.